Our Church

Covenant Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
is a congregation in Jacksonville, North Carolina that strives to do all things for the glory of God.

The Apostle Paul stated that “whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God“. (1 Cor 10:31). We believe that God’s glory is our highest call in all of life, but especially in our corporate worship. Thus, worship services must be God-centered and reflect what the Psalms exhort us to do, “Oh come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord , our Maker!” (Ps 95:6)

As a body of believers, we adhere to the Scriptures as the only rule of faith and life. We stand firmly on the truth that the Bible is God-breathed and is His inerrant and infallible Word given to His people. The entirety of the Bible points to the person and work of Jesus Christ and unfolds God’s plan of redemption.

Our Minister

Rev. Eric Tracy
Eric, his wife Leigh, and his children joined us in 2022. Eric is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary – Orlando.

our Elders

Elder Tony Langley

Elder Krishna Chetty

Our Deacons

Deacons Ryan Gnecco, and Mark Chilton

What We Believe

As a congregation of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian (ARP) Church, we hold to several standards that govern our doctrine, worship, government, and discipline. The Standards of the ARP Church include:

  • The Westminster Confession of Faith
  • The Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms
  • The Form of Government
  • The Book of Discipline
  • The Directory for Public Worship
  • The Directory for Private and Family Worship

These standards, as well as additional information about our denomination can be found on the denomination’s website.

While not an exhaustive list, the following is a summary of our core beliefs:

  • The inerrancy and infallibility of God’s Word. The Bible is the written Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and is without error in the original manuscripts.  The Bible is the unfolding of God’s redemptive plan for His people.  It is the revelation of God’s truth and is infallible and authoritative in all matters of faith and practice.
  • The Holy Trinity.  There is one God, who exists eternally in three distinct persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  All three are equal in power and authority.
  • Original sin and the depravity of all mankind.  We are all sinners and totally unable to save ourselves from God’s wrath.
  • Predestination. We believe that salvation is the work of God alone as He sovereignly chooses those He calls to Himself.  His choice is not based on the individual merits or foreseen faith of men but on His grace alone.
  • Jesus: Truly God and Truly Man. Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who through His perfect life and sacrificial death atoned for the sins of all who will trust in Him alone for salvation.  Jesus Christ is both truly God and truly Man.
  • God is a Covenantal God. God’s covenant promises are what He has given to His people throughout the ages.
  • The Holy Spirit. As the third person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit dwells within God’s people and empowers them to trust and follow Him.  Through this sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit we are renewed in the image of God.
  • Jesus will return. Jesus will return one day to judge all mankind and receive His people to Himself.
  • Sanctified living. Because Jesus has made His people His own, we are to live to the glory of God in all aspects of our lives.