What To Expect

Welcome! We’re Glad You Are Here

All new things can seem intimidating. We understand, and we are glad you are considering a visit with us.

Covenant is a warm and welcoming church made up of people from different walks of life. As a church family, we love to be involved in one another’s lives to support and encourage one another as we live for Christ each day. Our life as a congregation is centered around the Lord’s Day.

Our Worship

Our worship services aim to be simple and honoring to God with a tone of joyful reverence. During our worship services we will pray, sing hymns and Psalms, hear God’s Word read and preached, and participate in sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Please take a look at our YouTube channel to listen to a recent sermon.

In the evening, our services are more informal. On the 1st and 5th Sundays, we have a more structured service similar to the morning but with a shortened liturgy and a different sermon. On the 2nd thru 4th Sundays, we begin with a time of singing followed by a time of Bible study together. Occasionally in the evenings we will also have Catechism classes and other lessons for children.

Our Children

We love to have our children with us in worship even from their earliest ages. But as they can prove to be some of our more vocal members, we also provide a nursery for young children (ages 3 and under) during Sunday School and our morning worship service.

Respectful and quiet play, coloring, and snacks are completely welcome during the service, but we also encourage children to participate as they can by singing, praying, and reciting as they are able.

Our Fellowship

Our fellowship resides wholly in Christ Jesus. As such, every fourth (4th) Sunday we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Every fifth (5th) Sunday we enjoy a fellowship lunch after the morning service. Each Sunday we also have coffee fellowship after worship. You are welcome to join us for all.

As for the Lord’s Supper, you are welcome to participate if you are a member in good standing of a local body of Christ. If you are not, don’t let that discourage you from observing. You are free to reach out to our elders beforehand if you would like more information.

As for our fellowship meal, there is always plenty to share! We’d love to have you join us and to get to know about you!